Script: Awards List

This is not a plugin, simple script to integrate to your theme for WordPress only
Buy once, use everywhere. No license or single use.


By purchasing you agree that in case of selling or adopting out your site, you will remove it. (If you remove but do not clean the database, if they buy the script and install, everything will appear as before). Failure to do so, will result in a permanent ban from ever purchasing from this store again.

A script that will create and allow you to display the awards a celebrity was nominated for or won with:
– award name
– award year
– award category
– links for photos, videos & more

→ As a script it installs inside your theme folder, not plugin section.
→ Inside the folder you will find a documentation file that explains you how to “install” and gives a few details.
→ Furthermore it’s also explained how to integrate two scripts if you own more than one of mine.
→ Check a live preview of its functioning through the test site. The theme is not included in the purchase.

Preview Images

How to install

  1. Inside your theme folder create a sub-folder named templates
  2. Upload the “awards” folder and “customs.php” file inside the previously created template folder (as they are)
  3. Open the functions.php of your theme and at the very beginning after “php” write one line below this code
    include_once( 'templates/customs.php' );