Awards Pages

Some actors’ awards list can be very long. The job seems always the same and never ending. But that’s what I will do it for you.
Just a spoon of patience and trust in me, I can do it all.

Please note: I work exclusively with my script, which you will need to buy or already own. That’s not included into the package.

The package will cost 10€ and it includes:

  • creation of main awards list page
  • filling of basic info on individual pages
  • if a long list, sub-pages to the main will be created and linked

Samples *click to enlarge*

How it works

Fill out the form to order. For any question, you can get in touch with me and we will discuss further details.

What do I need:

  • You have to have bought the script already
  • A WordPress User as Editor
  • To customize the colors and adapt to your theme, and install the script if requested, I need the panel/FTP infos.

Please Note: payment will be processed exclusively through