Video Archive

Building a video archive can be draining, time consuming but then the final result is awesome. But back to the initial part, the exhausting one, I quite enjoy that. I’m weird like this. So I thought I could offer a service to give a start to your video archives. See below how it works, some preview and the packages and fill out the form to order.

Please note: I work exclusively with my script, which you will need to buy or already own. That’s not included into the package.


15€: generic category

The package includes:
– creation of main career page (with links to sub-categories)
– filling of basic info on individual pages
– featured image from video or generated manually
– one single generic category for each video (ie: Interviews, Events, Movies, TV-Shows)


21€: in-depth category

The package includes:
– creation of main career page (with links to sub-categories) & sub-pages where required
– filling of basic info on individual pages
– featured image from video or generated manually
– diverse categories for each video (ie: Interviews, and inside this divided by News Segments, Talk-Shows, or Movies, and inside this divided by Movie Title)

Samples *click to enlarge*

Additional Info

  • I do not upload videos to your server nor any other platform. I only use videos that have embed option either from youtube, dailymotion, vimeo or various and official blogs; and only from official accounts. No fan accounts posting.
  • For both packages I can install the script for you and customize the theme to fit the created pages, for free.

How it works

Fill out the form to order. For any question, you can get in touch with me and we will discuss further details.
After receiving your order, I will be contacting you to confirm it and ask for the logins details.
What do I need:

  • You have to have bought the script already (please provide proof of purchase. if you used another e-mail to register on my design store I need that e-mail to check.)
  • A WordPress User as Editor.
  • To customize the colors and adapt to your theme, and install the script if requested, I need the panel/FTP infos.

Please Note: payment will be processed exclusively through